As of today I'm 4 weeks from my show. I have been dieting for 20 weeks so far. I'm freakin' tired. That aside, I'm really loving the changes that I've watched my body go through these last 20 weeks. It's awesome. Tweak here and there and I'm able to change how I look. By tweak I mean more cardio, changing the diet, more water, etc.
I'm making it a point to rest my body more and massage/stretch when I'm at home to help myself heal. I had pain shooting throughout my legs while standing at work yesterday. As of right now I have muscles twitching in my calves and my thighs are sore. I almost said quads, and then I thought hammies. Hell, my entire thigh hurts. I did do some massaging while in bed last night and it hurt like hell. But I think it really helped. I need to buy some more bioflexor and keep at it. I also need to use the foam roller that I have lying in the middle of the living room floor. It's not of much use just lying there.
So, my entry form/fee is completed and sent (check), flight reservation made (check), and hotel reservation made (check). All that's left to do is eat, train, pose, sleep, and repeat. AND pack. I already have my packing list made and now need to go through it to see what I have leftover from last year and what needs to be purchased. I've made my waxing appointment. Need to buy new hair and make a hair appointment. I think I may save the facial for between shows to rejuvinate my skin a bit. And maybe schedule a massage for between shows.
I'll be heading up to Plano next weekend to work on my posing with Jeff. Everything else is falling into place and I feel like that's the one area where I may get dinged while on stage. Can't let that happen. I've got to figure out a way to look a little more symetrical on stage. If I can do that, then I'll have presented the entire package just the way we imagined it. That is the goal.
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